CPA Services

Accounting & Tax Planning for Small Businesses in Campbell

Best Accounting Services in Campbell

Our firm offers a depth of business expertise and professional skills to a variety of organizations, large and small. We provide a full range of traditional services to our clients including tax planning, financial statement preparation, budgeting, forecasting and data processing. In addition, we offer advice and consultation in related areas such as mergers and acquisitions, tax shelters, financing arrangements and representation before regulatory agencies. We also prepare payroll and sales tax returns, W-2 forms, business property statements, as well as performing other accounting services to supplement the staff and/or capability of the smaller business. We are members of both the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the California Society of Certified Public Accountants.


Our breadth of experience in serving numerous professions and industries over many years provides us a familiarity with the business needs of many different types of organizations. Present client representation encompasses: electronic manufacturing and assembly, wholesale distributors and retail establishments, real estate developers and contractors, machine shops, professional and service organizations, and a host of others (see list below).

Our experience has convinced us that the better informed management is about the operation of their business the more successful they are likely to be. While some companies require our services to satisfy third parties, such as banks, outside investors or regulatory agencies, the vast majority of our work is directed toward helping management develop and operate a more successful business. In an ongoing relationship we are able to offer our clients sound advice based on our understanding of their particular needs. We believe that we can assist our clients best by ensuring that they receive the counsel and information necessary to help them make sound business judgements.


 Tax Accounting Firms in Campbell

Businesses are faced with increased demands to make full use of all available resources to meet the challenges of today's competitive environment. Small, growing businesses need the same level and quality of financial expertise as larger enterprises. We believe we can provide quality financial management services to enhance the effectiveness of your staff. Because of our size and structure, we are able to offer each client personal attention and service, and we can call upon the specialized knowledge of other staff members when needed. This approach has produced outstanding results as we work with clients in areas such as financing arrangements and income tax planning.

We consider the establishment of a sound working relationship with your staff to be an integral part of our service. We can also assist in accounting systems design, selection and training of personnel, computer selection and installation, and related information systems to help you improve efficiency.


Business Accounting Services San Jose

We fully utilize computer equipment and the latest technology to maintain quality, accuracy and efficiency in the preparation of financial statements and tax returns. This capability reduces paperwork for both our staff and client personnel, thus enabling them to devote their efforts to more productive activities. Preparing financial statements for our clients on a monthly, quarterly or other periodic basis enables us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data. We are then in a position to offer specific advice for day-to-day operations. In addition, we can provide a comparative overview of clients' operations in relation to their industry in general.


For every company and professional firm there is a time to reflect on the CPA services being provided and to examine new methods and alternatives for ensuring continued growth and financial stability. As a professional organization, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of service possible, in a timely manner.

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how we may help you.


Small businesses today need a strong network of support - from advice about tax issues and employee benefits, to assistance with technology and marketing. Lamberty, Pyle & Associates LLP, can be a trusted partner in that network. Know More...


We live an in increasingly do-it-yourself world, with access to tax information through the internet, and technology seemingly designed to make our lives easier, we all want to take more control and save more money. As a small business owner, it is important to remember that the benefits of having a professional handle your taxes could end up saving you much more than the fee's charged. Know More...


  • Attorneys
  • Automobile Dealerships
  • Building Maintenance Contractors
  • Commercial Designers
  • Computer Software Developers
  • Construction Contractors
  • Consulting Services
  • Doctors and Dentists
  • Electrical Contractors
  • Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
  • Environmental Sampling Firms
  • Homeowner Associations
  • Machine Shops
  • Marketing Firms
  • Printers
  • Real Estate Developers
  • Retail Establishments
  • Restaurants
  • Travel Agencies
  • Vending Businesses
  • Other professional, service, and manufacturing organizations

Lamberty, Pyle & Associates LLP is a San Jose CPA firm that provides a wide variety of accounting, tax and financial management services.

Our clients are located in towns like San Jose, Campbell, Los Altos, Milpitas, Fremont, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Los Gatos, South Bay, and more.

We service clients in Alameda County.